Turning 40 can be a difficult experience, hair can start to grey, boobs are sagging, and the slick and slender body you had at 20 is fast disappearing. Feeling sexy at this age can be difficult, and this is when mid-life crisis’ can make an appearance. Before you know it, you’re learning to ride a motorbike because that’s what cool people do. But before donning the leather, you should try these 10 tips that will make the most of your beautiful body. Turning 40 can be a difficult experience, hair can start to grey, boobs are sagging, and the slick and slender body you had at 20 is fast disappearing. Feeling sexy at this age can be difficult, and this is when mid-life crisis’ can make an appearance. Before you know it, you’re learning to ride a motorbike because that’s what cool people do. But before donning the leather, you should try these 10 tips that will make the most of your beautiful body.

1. Take up exercise

When are you busy bringing up children as well as working a full-time career who has time to exercise? Believe it or not, you don’t need a personal trainer and a state of the art gym to maintain a regular and healthy fitness regime.

A really easy way to keep fit is by running 5 kilometers a week. This could be as simple as joining a local running group, running your commute to work, or running around your local park. There is a regular event called Park Run which operates all around the UK and is organized by fellow runners if socializing is more your thing.

Another option is cycling to work as an alternative to driving. Not only does this help build your strength and cardio fitness, but it reduces your carbon footprint.

If the outdoors is not for you, then you should look out for classes such as yoga or Pilates at your local gym or leisure center. Alternatively, you can do simple exercises at homes such as press-ups, sit-ups, step-ups, and planks.

2. Get your teeth whitened

We subject our teeth to a lot, sugary treats, acidic fruits, and alcohol. Taking good care of your teeth is essential to looking young, but sometimes there is nothing we can do and they eventually stain. While cosmetic surgery is often frowned upon, getting your teeth whitened can make a massive difference to your confidence and will leave you wanting to smile more often than not.

It can be an expensive treatment, and to get it done properly you will be required to visit the dentist regularly. They will also need maintenance, so it is best practice to use mouthwash and toothpaste that is designed to keep gums healthy and teeth white. You will also still need to floss regularly to keep the roots healthy. So, while not a time-saver, this is a sure way to slow down the aging process.

3. Buy clothes that fit, not that you want to fit into

This is one of the most unforgivable acts of a woman’s mid-life crisis. Metabolism slows down as a result of the aging process and naturally you start gaining some weight. Although, keeping to tip one and exercising regularly should help maintain a desired figure.

When choosing clothes, you should look for dresses that complement your figure and works well with your skin tone. This might mean avoiding see through, tight fitting tank tops and instead opting for a flowing silk blouse, or a skirt that covers your knees. After all, the idea is to look good for your age, not like a 40 year old who steals her daughter’s clothes.

4. Choose a hair style suits your shape and skin tone

It could be fashionable to have bright pink spikey hair, or it could be something you’ve always thought of doing but never did. Well unfortunately, now is not the time. As you get older you will be faced with growing grey hairs, and while you will want to dye them, they can’t be ignored forever. It is commonly advised for women to start dying their hair a lighter colour as they get older.

When considering length and style you should think about the healthiness of your hair, maybe longer hair will become too hard to maintain. Elegance is always what you should try and reflect as you age, so hair extensions and weaves should be avoided.

5. Avoid the sun without protection

Too much exposure to the sun can be very damaging to your skin. It can lead to brown spots, added wrinkles, and deeper creases, let alone more complicated risks such as causing skin cancer. It is therefore important to consider using protection when out in the sun, as you get older. Wear a hat, and use high factor sun cream. Using an SPF moisturizer can help combat both dry skins and give you light protection for day to day use.

You probably stress to your children the importance of wearing sun protection, but it can be even more important for your skin as you age.

6. Use face serums as part of your makeup routine

Eating healthy fruits are essential for in-taking the natural vitamins that will resist the aging of your skin. But there are some vitamins that can be found in simply applying face serums in the morning and before you go to bed.

For the morning you should look for serums that contain antioxidants like resveratrol and vitamins C and E that can cool down and hydrate the skin. Before going to bed use a serum that contains retinol and is rich in vitamin A. This repairs skin, but isn’t as effective when exposed to sunlight.

7. Sleep well

The health implications of a regular lack of sleep can go well beyond the age of your skin, but it can create dark circles, puffiness, and wrinkles around your eyes. What prevents someone having a good night’s sleep is often person specific, but a common reason is watching TV or using a phone before sleep. Not only does the light trick you into staying awake longer, but it is likely to act as a stimulant for your mind. Instead, you should try some relaxation techniques, have a conversation, or read a book.

The ideal amount of time to sleep is often disputed but 6-8 hours is regularly encouraged by health professionals.8. Have a career that reduces stress

High-stress levels will result in a chemical called cortisol breaking down tissue in your skin called collagen. This will cause wrinkles as well as losing color pigment, which is why those who are stressed will often look paler than usual. The other issue is a stressful job can cause a lack of sleep. If this is sounding familiar, then it might be better to your health to contemplate a change of job. When you are in your forties, it can be easy to stagnate and resist reasons to change job. It isn’t too late though and there is likely to be a lot of less stressful jobs that could use your expertise. Alternatively, you could ask to work flexible hours so that you can achieve a balance between work and life.

Aging is inevitable, but by accepting and auctioning these tips, you will be giving yourself a better chance of looking young and radiant without any expensive gimmicks.

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