If your enjoy a good party but feel as if your recreational substance use has crossed the line into addition, it may be time for you to consider entering a rehabilitation facility. Several red flags exist that serve as strong indicators that it might be time to leave the party, and they all have one common denominator: If substance abuse substantially impacts your physical or mental health, impedes career progress or creates difficulties in your home environment, chances are good that a stint in a rehabilitation facility is in order.

Your Work Life is Suffering

If you’re routinely late for work or miss work altogether because of the effects of recreational substance abuse, you may have an addiction problem. Other indications include poor job performance and difficulty getting along with coworkers. If you routinely drink on the job, you probably have already developed a full-blown addiction. Left untreated, substance addiction can lead to lack of stable employment.

Addiction Negatively Affects Your Home Environment

If your spouse or children routinely complain that your drinking or drug use makes the home environment unpleasant, you might want to consider obtaining more information on how addiction can negatively impact the lives of those close to you. Children in particular suffer when one or both parents are constantly using alcohol or other drugs, and they are much more likely to become addicts themselves and to do badly in school. Many people make the decision to enter a rehab center when they realize that their substance abuse is having a devastating affect on their children. Those considering entering a rehab facility can click here for more information.

Socializing Revolves Around Drug and Alcohol Use

If your social activities revolve primarily around alcohol consumption and/or recreational substance use, you may be on the road to developing a full-fledged addiction. Addicts generally include substance use in nearly all of their leisure and social activities. Try scheduling some time with family and friends to enjoy activities that don’t include substance use of any kind.

Physical and Mental Health Decline as Addiction Progresses

Abuse of alcohol and other recreational substances can severely impact your physical and mental health. If you’re waking up with a hangover on most days, that could be a sign that you need to investigate rehabilitation options. Keep in mind that alcohol is a depressant that can significantly effect your mental state.

Most people who are honest with themselves know when the time is right to seriously consider entering a rehabilitation facility. Fortunately, outpatient options exist for those whose employment and family obligations require their presence in the workplace and the home.

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