PACE San Diego your home for high quality senior day care services, primary senior medical and specialty care, prescription drug coverage, medication management, dietary counseling, physical therapy, social services and much more.

It’s truly an honor to serve seniors living in San Diego county. We understand exactly how you feel, you don’t want to be a burden to your family and friends, that’s where we come in. St. Paul’s PACE San Diego is here at your full service.  Let us lift the big weight of worry off your shoulders.  Growing older doesn’t have to mean always relying on your family and friends, we can help you maintain your independence so you can still have a high quality of life.  We’ve been serving seniors like you since 1960, please join our long list of satisfied clients.

Transportation can be a huge challenge especially when you no longer drive. 

St. Paul’s delivers transportation at your doorstep for your total convenience.  Get to your medical appointments on time with no hassles whatsoever.  St. Paul’s PACE wellness centers are located in San Diego, Chula Vista, and El Cajon.  Not only will you receive high quality medical care and state of the art facilities, but you will also be able to socialize with peers and eat nutritious meals to boost your health.  No more relying on relatives, we know the last thing you want to do is encroach on the schedules of others, St. Paul’s is here for all your mobility needs. 

PACE San Diego
PACE San Diego

As you get older, it’s very important to keep socializing, especially among your peers.  That means coming to St. Paul’s day centers so you can meet seniors in the same retirement stage.  Quality socialization with your peers goes far beyond the family bonds that you’re already used to.  It makes a world of difference when you are making new friends and building new solid foundations for fruitful relationships.  Imagine all the fun you can have.  Our day centers is like winding back the clock to your school days, you are going to love it.

St. Paul’s PACE also offers in-home care. 

Even though you are living independently in your home, we are still here for you in times of emergency or recovery from recent injury.  We can deliver assistance right to your front door if you need it, this is a bonus service that’s not usually offered with other senior medical programs.  You love your home and would like to stay in it, we get it, let us come out to you when you need us.  Home care nurses are on standby waiting to assist.  Upon your initial assessment, we can determine your requirements for home care services. For many of St. Paul’s PACE participants, there is no family support network close-by, with the help of our skilled social workers, we can become your extended family.  We are always available ready to offer you support from minor chores such as paperwork to serious emergencies.  St. Paul’s PACE delivers a social worker system that provides you peace of mind that you’re not alone.  Visit program for all inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) for more information.

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