There is a hormone that is referred to as the Human Growth Hormone. This hormone is responsible for height regulation in the body. Parents should thus feed their children to foods that help or assist the Human Growth Hormone. The hormone that is used or is responsible for growth is produced in a gland known as the pituitary gland. Foods that promote increase of weight include the proteins which are building blocks in the body. It thus increases the heights of any tissues in the body. Foods with minerals are also essential. Vitamins content in the diet should also be in high contents. Vegetables are also good for height in children.

Milk and Dairy Products

Strong bones in the body need the presence of calcium in the meals or diet. Milk has sufficient amounts of calcium. There are also proteins in the milk which are helpful in the building of new cells and thus increasing weight. Milk is also a product that can be digested easily in the system. Children need to be fed with 3 glasses of milk in a day. Effects of dairy products in increasing height are known. Products for example yoghurt, cheese and ice cream are some among those children should take to increase height. These products have or contain vitamin D and calcium. The two are essential for increasing height. These products are usually required most for height in the stage of puberty. Too much intake of these products may not be healthy sometimes as one may suffer high cholesterol levels. Amounts regulation is thus necessary.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits are essential in aiding or assisting height gain, especially in children. They have fiber richly and also contain vitamins that are essential and necessary for height gain. They also have potassium and foliate. Fruits including grapes, mango, papaya, watermelon and passion fruits are some of the fruits that contain vitamins necessary. The vitamins are also available in the vegetables including broccoli, spinach, carrots, and kales. Vitamin C is also a requirement for height gain. Citrus fruits and tomatoes are some of the richest sources of this vitamin.

Animal Proteins

Chicken is one animal protein that is protein rich. The children should be provided with chicken in their diet for height increase or gain. The proteins assist or aid in the building of the tissues. Beef is also very essential as a protein source. Another product that has high levels of rich proteins for height gain is the egg. The white part of the egg is healthier and protein rich. They however have more fats and may not be healthy to take many times. Avoid the yolk. Fish are also good sources of vitamins especially vitamin D. The salmon and the tuna are good options to go for in sea foods. Their oils are also healthy. They have high contents of proteins. The two are essential in increasing or aiding height gain. The products, however, need to be taken in regulation. Intake of some foods for gaining weight like Animal products or proteins are good. If these foods taken in too much amounts is likely to cause weight gain as some of these products have fats in high contents.

Starches and Grains

These two are the major energy sources for the body. They also contain and are rich in fiber content. There are also minerals in the grains and starches including iron, selenium and magnesium. These minerals are essential in aiding height gain and especially in children. They have calories and consumption or intake need to increase in the siblings especially as they approach puberty. Popcorns and rice are examples of these products. Too much starch on the other hand is not healthy as it may lead to accumulation of fats and thus weight gain in the body.


The product contains pure proteins. They are required in amounts of 50grams per day.   The product is majorly used by the people who are vegetarians. They thus help in increasing height. In addition to varied meals, it is also important to encourage the children to do exercise and engage in other activities outdoor. The correct posture is also important and essential for good and proper growth. Foods with a lot of fats should be taken in little or small amounts for health benefits of the children


The foods are important or essential in ensuring the child grows healthy and gains height. Right amounts of these foods and products are essential. Take care not to over feed the children in the attempts of having them gain some height. Ensure that children engage in outdoor activities at the end of the day to improve health and to promote good and healthy habits.

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