Are you looking for a flawless and blemish skin? With few teeny tiny changes you can make your way to acne –free, glowing skin, like Hollywood divas.

Many women think flawless skin is too much to ask for. But the ground realty is that with few daily skin care tips, you can enhance your natural beauty. Proper skin care tips will help you look 10 years younger than you are.

Just like knowing the kind of nails you have will make it easier for you to maintain it, knowing the kind of skin you have will make it convenient for you to keep them fresh and glowing.

We have rounded up 7 beauty tips to help you achieve glowing skin naturally:

Take off your makeup before you go to bed

Be it a holiday spirit or a festive season, the way you apply makeup pretty much determines its impact on your skin. However, you should also make it a point to remove your makeup every night before you sleep. Your skin needs to breath overnight. Makeup clog skin pores on your face that helps it to breath. When you sleep your skin heals and rejuvenates. Makeup clog skin pores and leads to blemish and blackhead.

Exfoliate your skin

You just can’t avoid exfoliating your skin if you desire to maintain a glowing skin. Exfoliate at least once or twice a week, which removes layers of dead skin and ensure you have healthy glow and brighter skin on your face. You can apply walnut powder and yogurt mixture on your face to remove dirt and promote radiant skin.

Drink clean water

Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are high in water, for example cucumber, watermelon, strawberry, grapefruit and orange.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables

Rainbow color of fresh fruits and green vegetables contain loads of phytochemicals, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that are important for promoting radiant skin. Prefer low sugar diet as this will keep your insulin level low and allow cells to maintain a healthy balance. Avoid spicy, salty, fried and fermented food. Go for rice, oatmeal and applesauce. They are good for healthy gut. When you have a healthy gut, it will reflect on your face.

Get your daily sleep quota

You should aim at getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. When you don’t get enough sleep, your eyes don’t get enough opportunity to rest and as a result sag and bag starts to appear near your eyes. You should also moisturize your face before you go to gym.

Protect your skin from sun

Sunrays can cause lifetime of wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems. Make sure you protect your skin from sun exposure. Start using sunscreen with at least 15 SPF that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. But, just makes sure you use products whose label reads ‘non comedogenic’ or ‘non acnegenic’ to ensure product doesn’t lock pores. You should wear sunscreen regardless of whether it’s sunny or cloudy outside.

Join a regular workout regime

To embrace a regular workout regime, you don’t have to take a health club membership. Simple exercise such as running, jogging, yoga regularly supports blood circulation and speeds up cleansing process in your body. When you are clean from inside, it reflects outside. If you exercise regularly, you will observe glow on your face. If you don’t have time to workout, just take a brisk walk around the block.

Majority of the people believe that FDA is doing a great job in regulating what goes into our food and food products. They equally trust on its regulation of cosmetic and personal care products.

If you start looking at the labels of the cosmetic products before buying them as you do with food labels, I am sure most of you will be taken by a surprise. There are literally thousands of chemicals in your beauty products and many of which gets absorbed into your skin.

Since the industry is so shockingly unregulated, consumers are left to make the use of their best judgment. Though there is an approval process that regulates the products before they hit the market, it is insufficient since it is only for color additives and ingredients flagged as over the counter drugs. Moreover manufacturers are using the terms like “natural” and “organic” for almost anything.

Though a company is supposed to use the label “organic” only if all the ingredients are certified as organic, they can still use the label organic even if the product contains minimum of 70% certified organic ingredients. 30% still leaves plenty of room for toxins.

Clearly the classification isn’t in the best interest of consumers at heart. That means even if a product continues to be sold widely; we consumers will need to read the ingredients label carefully to protect ourselves from potentially harmful chemicals. Here is the list of some of the chemicals that you should avoid outright.

Coal tar

It is a carcinogen and is popularly listed in the ingredients label something like FD&C Red No. 6. Coal tar is banned in EU, but is still used in North America to treat dry skin, dandruff and lice.


Popularly used as emulsifiers and foaming agents for shampoos, soaps and body washes.


It is commonly found in nail products, fake eyelash adhesive, shampoos and hair dye.


This used in beauty products to lighten skin. Hydroquinone is banned in EU and is rated as the most toxic EWG’s Skin Deep database. It is also linked to cancer development and reproductive toxicity.


You can find lead in many lipstick and hair dye. Unfortunately it is not listed since it is a contaminant and not an ingredient.


You can find this heavy metal in mascara and many eye drops. Studies have shown that it impairs brain development.

Mineral oil

You are going to find this in almost all top brand baby oil, styling gels and moisturizers. It is a petroleum byproduct and crates a film that impairs the skin’s ability to release toxins.


It is an active ingredient that is found in sunscreen. It is found to accumulate in fatty tissues and is linked to allergies, cellular damage and hormone disruption and low birth weight.

Take away

The entire industry runs of the “innocent-till-proven-guilty” approach. That means unless the chemical used in the beauty product is proved to cause harm to human health. These chemicals are classified as GRAS or generally recognized as safe. So you should read the label carefully before you apply makeup to your face. You should also take sufficient measures to care of your flawless skin.

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